1.1. National Service Scheme (NSS) was launched during the Mahatma Gandhi’s Centenary Year (1969) involving 40,000 student volunteers in 37 universities. Today, it has more than 2.6 million student volunteers spread over 198 universities and 41 (+2) Councils and implemented in 16,659 academic institutions.
1.2. The aim of National Service Scheme is “Development of the Personality of Students through Community Service”. In order to fulfill the objective, student volunteers and programme functionaries are engaged in constructive and productive programmes involving students in various awareness drives, shramdaan, social reforms, communal harmony, creation of community assets, relief work, blood donation, environmental protection, literacy programme, health education campaign, etc. Under the scheme, each volunteer contributes 240 hours of community work during a period of two years.
1.3. To recognize the voluntary service rendered by NSS volunteers, Programme Officers, NSS Units and the University NSS Cells, it has been proposed to provide suitable incentives/ awards under the scheme.
The objectives of the IG NSS Awards are :
2.1. To recognize outstanding contribution of University NSS Cells, Programme Officers, College/ +2 NSS Units and NSS student volunteers in community service.
2.2. To encourage young NSS student volunteers to develop their personality through community service and acquire positive social attitudes and values.
3.1. University/ +2 Council
(a) The University/ +2 Council which has been operating NSS programme continuously for the last five years only shall be considered.
(b) The minimum volunteers’ strength of such institutions should not be less than 1,000.
(c) The institution must be very regular and punctual in submitting its programme reports and financial returns.
(d) The actual enrollment and special camping targets should have been achieved fully and consistently for at least three years preceding the year in which NSS Award is to be considered.
(e) All the NSS Units should have adopted villages/ slums/ localities for all round development and total literacy.
(f) No Vigilance Case/ enquiries should be pending against the NSS Cell.
3.1.1. Main Considerations :
(a) The reputation of NSS in the University Jurisdiction.
(b) The percentage of NSS Volunteers completing 240 hours of work and participation in Special Camping Programmes.
(c) The percentage of adopted villages/ areas made fully literate.
(d) The image of the Programme Co-ordinator, his interest and achievements in providing leadership to the programme.
(e) The outstanding contribution of the NSS in various fields consistently for the last 3 years.
(f) The perceptible and measurable results achieved so far.
3.2. NSS Units and Programme Officers :
(a) The NSS Unit should have been in existence continuously for a period of five years preceding the year for which the award is considered.
(b) The Unit(s) should have achieved its enrollment and special camping targets continuously for the last three years.
(c) Colleges/ Schools where there are more than one NSS Unit, such Units should have achieved their enrollment and camping targets fully and consistently.
(d) Each NSS Unit should have adopted village/ slum/ localities and carrying on their activities continuously.
(e) The NSS Unit should have created durable assets and achievements in the adopted village/ urban slum/ community.
(f) The Programme Officers for all the NSS Units should have been selected as per NSS guidelines.
(g) He or she should have been trained at TORC/ TOC and should have completed a minimum of two years as Programme Officer before consideration for the Awards.
(h) The NSS Programme Officer Award will go to that Programme Officer whose Unit has bagged the National NSS Unit Award for the same year.
(i) No Vigilance Case/ Investigation should be pending against him/ her.
3.2.1 Main Considerations :
(a) The reputation of the Programme Officer and the NSS Units in the Campus as well as in the community.
(b) The initiatives taken by the Programme Officer and the Principal in strengthening the programmes and activities.
(c) The involvement of the academic staff in the NSS Programmes.
(d) The outstanding work done in the adopted villages/slums.
(e) The regularity and punctuality in programme implementation by the volunteers and the Programme Officers.
(f) The percentage of literacy achieved in the adopted areas.
(g) The quality and content of the NSS Programme and the efficiency in its implementation.
(h) The role of the Principal, the Programme Officer and the college/school management.
(i) The involvement of local developmental agencies.
(j) The outstanding performance in the field of literacy, environment, health and sanitation, social awareness, and community development.
3.3 NSS Volunteers :
(a) A student should have completed a minimum of two years of volunteership in NSS.
(b) He/she should have participated in at least two Special Camping Programme and at least once in National Programmes like R.D. Parade Camp in Delhi, National Integration Camps, National Motivation Camps, Inter-State Youth Exchange Programmes, etc. sponsored by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.
(c) He/she should not be less than 18 years and more than 25 years in age. In case of SC/ST, the upper age limit can be relaxed by 3 years. In other words, the maximum age limit should be 28 years for SC/ST.
(d) He/she should have completed 240 hours of community service during two consecutive years of volunteership.
(e) His/her academic performance should have been reasonably good.
3.3.1 Main Considerations :
(a) The student’s reputation as a successful NSS volunteers in the College/School and in the adopted community.
(b) His/Her punctuality and regularity in NSS Programme.
(c) His/Her personality and leadership qualities vis-à-vis all the students in the institution.
(d) His/Her sincerity, dedication and involvement in uplifting the socio-economic conditions of the adopted community.
(e) His/Her outstanding performance in the filed of literacy, environment, social awareness and community development programmes.
3.3.2 An individual volunteer, a group/team of volunteers or a Unit can be sponsored for the Award.
4.1 A Selection Committee will be constituted for each State/UT headed by the Secretary, Education/Youth Welfare Sports looking after NSS, while the State Liaison Officer, NSS will be the Convener of the Committee. The Head of the NSS Regional Centre, Director Higher Education, an eminent social worker and the Director/Co-ordinator of TORC/TOC will be Members of the Committee at the State/UT Level.
4.2 At the University/+2 Level, the Selection Committee shall consist of Vice-Chancellor/Head of +2 Council as Chairperson with Programme Co-ordinator, Dean of Students Welfare/Director of College Development Council/Director Higher Education/School Education, one eminent social scientist and one eminent social worker as Members. The Programme Co-ordinator will function as the Convener. This Committee shall be responsible for selection of outstanding NSS Unit and recommend to the State Level Selection Committee. The chairperson shall have the option to co-opt one or two experts to help him/her in the selection. Alternatively, the University/+2 Level NSS Advisory Committee can also function as the Selection Committee. At the College/+2 Level, the NSS Advisory Committee shall be the Selection Committee to recommend the outstanding NSS Volunteers/Group.
4.3 The State/Regions having less than 20,000 volunteers will recommend one University/+2 Council, one NSS Unit (alongwith name of the concerned Programme Officer) and one NSS Student Volunteer to be considered for the Award. The State/Regions having a volunteer strength of 20,000 and above will recommend one University/+2 Council, two NSS Units (alongwith names of Programme Officers of the concerned NSS Units) and two NSS student volunteers. In case there are more than one NSS Units from the same institution, only one unit will be considered for the Award.
4.4 All recommendations at various levels shall be made and arranged in order of merit.
4.5 The State/UTs should not recommend any Universities/NSS Units/NSS volunteers, if there is not suitable or deserving case.
4.6 In States where there is more than one TORC/TOC all the TOC/TORC co-ordinators shall be members of the State Selection Committee. The States where there is no TORC/TOC. The Training Co-ordinator corresponding to the States/UTs shall be a Member of the State-level Selection Committee.
4.7 Selection at the National Level :
The Selection Committee at the National Level will be headed by the Secretary (Youth Affairs & Sports). The Secretary (UGC), the Joint Secretary (Youth Affairs), the Programme Adviser (NSS), the Secretary (AIU) and two non-officials of eminence will be Members. The Committee shall scrutinize the recommendations of the State Government/UT Administrations and select the awardees. The National Selection Committee may, at their own discretion, consider on merits NSS units or University/+2 Councils not recommended by a State/UT Government for the award with substantial justification. The Deputy Secretary (YS) of the Ministry will function as Convener of the National Level Selection Committee.
4.8 Those already conferred with the Indira Gandhi NSS Award/National Youth Award will not be eligible for this Award.
The nominations from College/+2 School level should reach the University/+2 Council by 1st week of March and to the State/UT Government by last week of March and from the State/UT Government to the Government of India (Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports) by 30th April every year. The Awards will be announced on 24th September (NSS Day) and will be presented to the winners on a convenient date and time either at New Delhi or a place to be decided by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports.
5.1 Particulars of Universites/+2 Councils; NSS Units/Programme Officers and NSS Volunteers shall be furnished in Proforma as given at Annexure I, II and III respectively.
Indira Gandhi NSS Award at four levels will be given every year and the details are as follows :
S. No. | Category | Number of Awards | Value of Award |
1 | University/+2 Council (State Level) | 1 | Rs. 1,00,000/- (For NSS Programme Development |
2 | Programme Officer | 6 | Rs. 10,000/- each |
3 | NSS Unit | 6 | Rs. 35,000/- (For NSS Programme Development |
4 | NSS Volunteers | 16 | Rs. 8,000/- Meant for a week in a reputed voluntary agency working in the field of Youth and Community Development |
6.1 All the awardees shall also be presented with a Trophy and a Scroll/Certificate.
6.2 All the Awardees will be invited to the National Award Ceremony and are entitled for to and fro 1st Class train fare by the shortest route. The Post-Award placement of Volunteer-Awardees is aimed at providing further exposure and experience in Youth and Community Work and to sharpen the social perception, commitment, motivation and concern of the Awardees. The agencies for placement will be identified by the Ministry well in advance at least two months before the date of the presentation of the Award.
6.3 While considering Awards, the aspect of regional representation will be kept in view to the extent possible and in case of non-availability of suitable institutions/candidates from any region, the Selection Committee may decide not to give the award.