At National Level

Youth Programme like National Service Scheme requires administrative structures at various levels for its successful planning and implementation. Therefore, organizational structures have been envisaged at Central, State, University/+2 and College levels. It is vital for the programme to get support at all the levels and to make sure that the programmes and activities get the required attention.

  • National Level

1. Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, New Delhi and NSS Regional Centres

1.1. The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports is the nodal Ministry for NSS and has been given the administrative   responsibility for the Policy Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of NSS programme.

1.2. National Service Scheme falls under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, which is looked after by the Senior Officer of the rank of the Joint Secretary as far as administration and implementation of the programme is concerned.

2. Programme Adviser

In the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports a Senior Officer is designated as Programme Adviser. The functions of the Programme Adviser and head of NSS organisation are as under:

(a) To advise the Ministry for the development of NSS Programme in all respects.

(b) To help the Ministry to plan and implement the NSS programmes.

(c) To liaise with the State Governments, Universities and with other organisations which may help in the growth and development of the programme directly or indirectly. 

(d) To make the arrangements of training of key persons and Programme Officers through the TOCs and TORCs.

(e) To make arrangements for the evaluation of NSS from time to time by the TORCs or other suitable agencies. 

(f) To encourage Research and Publication work in connection with NSS. 

(g) To oversee the maintenance of State-wise, University-wise record on implementation of the Programme.

(h) To supervise the functioning of NSS Regional Centre (RCs) set up by the Department in the various regions/States in the country.

3. Programme Adviser’s Cell

The Ministry has set up Programme Adviser’s Cell to assist the Programme Adviser for implementing, monitoring and evaluating the NSS Programme at various levels. The Programme Adviser’s Cell is headed by a Deputy Programme Adviser and a core support staff. The cell also functions as programme monitoring centre for the collection and compilation of data from the states, Universities and NSS Regional Centres and provides this information to the Ministry as feedback. Thus the PA Cell for all practical purpose functions as the NSS Headquarter.

4. NSS Regional Centers

(a)  The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has set up  NSS Regional Centes in the country to maintain liaiso0n with the State Governments, Universities, +2 Councils and TOC/TORCs for the effective implementation of NSS Programme.

(b) NSS Regional Centre (RC) which is a subordinate field office of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports and depending upon the volunteers strength and size of the state, RC is either headed by a Deputy Programme Adviser or an Assistant Programme Adviser. The Deputy Programme Adviser/Assistant Programme Adviser belong to Group-A grade of the Central Government Service.

(c) Deputy Programme Adviser/Assistant Programme Adviser who head the Regional Centre are given a core staff for his/her support.

5. Functions of NSS Regional Centers

In addition, NSS Regional Centres will function in close coordination with TOCs/TORCs and State Liaison Cells. The functions of the NSS Regional Centres with reference to the State Governments, Universities and TOC/TORCs are as under:

5.1. Responsibility and Accountability:

(a) As the NSS Regional Centres are subordinate field offices of the Ministry, it is their main responsibility to ensure the implementation of NSS and other Youth Programmes as per the spirit and letter of the manual and guidelines issued by the Government of India from time to time.

(b) It is the duty of the heads of the Regional Centres to explain the Government polices, without any fear and favour in the discharge of their duties, particularly furnishing elaboration and explanation to the universities and colleges. Heads of Regional Centres cannot remain silent under the pressure of universities and/or State.

5.2. State Government:

(a) To explain the policies of the Ministry regarding NSS and other Youth Programme to the State Governments, for the successful implementation of NSS and other Youth Programmes.

(b) To strive for removal of bottlenecks in the implementation of NSS Programme in the field.

(c) To ensure that the grants including central and state share reach the Universities, colleges and schools in time, so that NSS activities are implemented as per time schedule.

(d) The NSS Regional Centre will keep the State Governments informed of the recent developments in different aspects of NSS and the Youth Programme of Government of India for their implementation as and when required.

(e) Remain in touch with State government officials for expediting accounts and other reports.

(f) Collaborate with the State Liaison Officer for proper implementation of NSS Programme and timely action.

  • State Level

At the State level, there will be a State NSS Cell headed by the State Liaison Officer (SLO). The Government of India extends cent percent financial assistance for establishing the State NSS Cell.

1. Functions of State NSS Cell

(a) To ensure, that budgetary provisions are made for NSS programme in the State budget.

(b) Timely allocation of NSS st4rength to respective Universities in the State.

(c) Timely release of grants to Universities and colleges/+2 councils.

(d) Submission of accounts, statements and programme reports to Government of India.

(e) Convening of meetings of State NSS Advisory Committee from time to time.

(f) Monitoring of the programme through Universities/+2 councils and in consultation with NSS Regional Centre.

(g) Coordinating with development agencies and departments for NSS programme development in the state.