At University Level

The National Service Scheme covers students at the level of higher education. Thus the administrative structures of the higher education have the responsibility of looking after NSS and its implementation at college/school/universities level. The successful functioning of NSS cell at University level will give impetus for proper implementation of NSS in the unit level.
- NSS University Cell
Every University should have an NSS Cell to supervise and coordinate NSS Programme in Colleges affiliated to it.
1.1. The Universities having strength of more than 10000 NSS volunteers should have full time programme coordinators. The Universities having strength of less than 10000 NSS volunteers may have part time programme coordinators.
1.2. NSS being an academic extension programme the University will provide necessary infrastructure and other facilities like telephone, office and office equipment and secretarial assistance for the smooth functioning of the cell.
1.3. The cell will function under the Vice-Chancellor, the Programme Coordinator, NSS will be incharge of the cell and the main executive functionary.
2. Programme Co-ordinator
The Programme Coordinator is the key functionary as far as NSS is concerned. Therefore, a dedicated and devoted Programme Coordinator can plan, execute and evaluate the NSS activities in a proper perspective. The Programme Coordinator will execute all administrative and policy directives of the government, decisions of the State Advisory Committee and University Advisory Committee. The NSS programme will be prepared in the light of the guidelines issued by the Government of India.
2.1. Term/Tenure of the Programme Coordinator:
The Programme Coordinator will be appointed on deputation/short term contract for the period of three years extendable by one year further. No Programme Coordinator will be appointed on Permanent basis.
2.2. Functions of the Programme Coordinators:
(a) To assist and guide the NSS unit for implementation of NSS programmes at college level.
(b) To help in organising camps, training and orientation programmes for the NSS leaders.
(c) To visit the NSS units for monitoring and evaluation.
(d) To ensure implementation of NSS Regular activities and special camping programmes.
(e) To ensure timely release of grants to colleges.
(f) To submit the reports and returns to Programme Adviser, Regional Centre, State Liaison Officer and TOC/TORC.
(g) To ensure selection of new Programme Officers as per guidelines and ensure their orientation within the stipulated period.
(h) To submit half yearly reports and other information required to Government of India, Regional Centre and State Liaison Officer on the prescribed proforma.
(i) To have liaison with Regional Centre and State Liaison Officer and TOC/TORC for the implementation of NSS programme.
(j) To bring out documents and reports on the achievements of NSS:
(i) To present the views of the Ministry and if advised bys the State Government, the view of the State Government, in the University Advisory Committees and to the Vice-Chancellors of the Universities, Principals of the Colleges, other persons connected with NSS Programmes.
(ii) To assist in preparation of NSS Programmes, including Special Camping Programmes, in conformity with the policies and guidelines.
(iii) To keep the Vice-Chancellors and heads of +2 Councils apprised of the state of the programme in their respective Universities and Colleges/institutions.
(iv) To take steps to see that funds are released in time by the University to the college.
(v) To visit different NSS units and camps for supervision, consultancy, guidance etc.
(vi) The ensure that the NSS programme is implemented as per NSS manual and administrative instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time. Deviation from the established policies may be brought to the notice of the Ministryand the Programme Adviser.
2.3. The cell will function under the Vice-Chancellor, the Programme Coordinator, NSS will be incharge of the cell and the main executive functionary.
3. TOCs/TORCs and Evaluating Agencies
Orientation and training of persons attached with NSS being a vital input for sustaining its dynamism in universities, colleges and +2 schools, it is necessary that the various facts of the programme are studied, understood and evaluated. The NSS Regional Centres have to play their role in this sphere mainly:
(a) To observe the organisation of orientation training, research and evaluation and other activities in these institutions.
(b) To visit the training programmes whenever possible and advise the TOC/TORCs on policies and guidelines.
(c) To function as a resource person in the orientation and training programme.
(d) To help the TOC/TORCs in the evaluation of regular and special camping programme.
(e) To report the progress of the TOC/TORCs as member of the Training Advisory Committee.